Bike Shelter in Whetstone Park. Photo: Will Koehler
— 2 min read

Winter 2016 Progress Update

We’ve met several times with the city over the last 6 months to discuss the Neighborhood Greenways route and design. While many of the design recommendations we made for phase 1 may seem simple (such as painting green-backed sharrows on the road), they require exemptions from the strict rules that determine what types of pavement markings and signs can be used on public roads. However, to achieve the safety level of a true neighborhood greenway, we need to use the latest design elements. Many other cities are already constructing street networks using these newer design elements. If we don’t match their innovations in Columbus, we risk getting left behind.

Thankfully, the city understands the importance of building a safe neighborhood greenway network. By incorporating advice from the city bike coordinator and local advocates, the city is looking for ways to improve on designs that they’ve used in the past. The goal is to make Clintonville Neighborhood Greenways a model street network that will serve as a template for neighborhoods throughout Columbus.

Join our volunteer teams

In other news, we’re creating teams to take on specific tasks as we move closer to building the greenways. In the months to come, we’ll be working on outreach to Clintonville residents, businesses, schools, and other interested parties to get the word out about the coming neighborhood greenways.

We are creating teams for

  • Branding and marketing
  • Community outreach
  • Grants and fundraising
  • Legal and Business

If you’re interested in pitching in as a volunteer, please sign up here:

Clintonville Neighborhood Greenway Signup

We’re working towards 501(c)(3) status

Our application for 501(c)(3) status is coming along. Status as a tax-exempt organization will make advocacy and raising money easier. We’re fortunate to already have several experienced grant writers who will be helping us raise money to further our goals.