Clintonville Resident Libby Wetherholt is Hooked on Clintonville's Neighborhood Greenways
I have served as an interested citizen on the Clintonville Area Commission Planning and Development Committee for over 10 years. It’s been a fun experience. I’ve learned so many things about city development and about how to effect change in a city. I’ve also been continually challenged by the really talented folks who give of their time and professional expertise to our community.

When the topic of a neighborhood bikeway/greenway was introduced at one of our meetings about 5 years ago, I have to admit I was a little lukewarm about it. After all, I am a woman “of a certain age” who hadn’t been on a bicycle for years. But as I learned about the goals of the bikeway, I became intrigued. I started thinking about my days of growing up in Bexley bicycling all around the area.

At the completion of the first part of the bikeway, CAC held an introductory group ride that was really FUN. Now there were marked streets to show the recommended, safer routes for those of us who just like to “tool” around on our bikes and perhaps do a couple of errands. The bikeway was designed to show riders routes where the traffic is less busy, where crossing some of our busier streets is safer, and where families and individuals could actually find their way to stores, libraries, coffee shops, and maybe even friends’ houses.

I was hooked! On my high energy days I truly enjoy getting out on my bike, pedaling through the neighborhood, maybe going to a meeting at Clintonville Woman’s Club, or picking up a loaf of bread at the store. Many of the times I’m out I might be the only rider on these less traveled streets. Sometimes I’ll connect to the Olentangy Trail and go clear up to Broadmeadows. This bikeway has been a great added amenity to Clintonville and, again, we have led the way for other parts of the city to begin thinking about this type of path for their part of town.